Attracting and Retaining Club Members - training
District 6420 Membership
Strategies and Tactics to grow your Club.
Promote your Club.
- Market your club while doing Good for your community and hosting events.
- Hand out Be Our Guest cards.
- Publicize your Good Works on Facebook, local papers, Club websites and community texting systems.
- Your Club must Be Visible—Never miss an opportunity to Showcase your Club!
- Celebrate your WINS!
Recruit potential members.
- Hold a social or mixer.
- Every member successfully invites one guest.
- Feed them!
- Tell them your Club’s story (Show and Tell.) - 10 minutes tops and invite the Governor.
- Give them a handout as a take-away.
- Capture all guest phone numbers and e-mail for follow-up and a Thank You.
- Be Persistent!
- Approach local businesses and organizations about shared memberships
- Be aware of on-line Membership Leads from District Leadership.
- Rotarians love a good program, as well as talented speakers. Capitalize on these events and invite guests. Follow the other steps above for maximum recruiting benefits.
- Don’t overlook stay-at-home parents who are involved with kids’ school activities.
Engage new members.
Once they’ve joined:
- Welcome kit
- EVERY new member needs a MENTOR.
- Get them involved—hands on—in first few months.
- Align interests and skills with available projects/events.
- Designate $$’s to the new members and let them coordinate a project for the community…..let them run the show, get to know one another and experience the fun of Doing Good.
Retention/Lock the Back Door.
- Existing Club members must be a priority. Treat them with respect and encouragement.
- Meetings can/should be fun, energetic, and upbeat, while still managing Club business.
- Encourage members to participate in a minimum of two or three events per year using sign-ups.
- Know who’s content. If not—communicate in person or by phone. The time is now.
- Take an annual temperature—utilize a “Stop/Start/Continue” feedback session for your Club and Listen/Understand/ACT on what members tell you.
- Publicly acknowledge members’ contributions.
- Be flexible with meeting times and schedules. It’s your show—run it as your members wish. Be innovative!
- Hold monthly after hours meetings and have a social amongst yourselves at the local watering hole – works well to recruit the younger generation…….after their work day.
- Don’t lose members to Cost. Examine your Club dues/structure and be flexible on Payment plans.
For additional membership suggestions go to: My Rotary -> Sign in -> Member Center -> Membership Materials.