Polio Plus Society

In an effort to increase sustainable giving, the PolioPlus Society was formed to encourage Rotarians to commit to a minimum of $100/year to the PolioPlus Fund until polio is eradicated from the face of the earth. Society members receive a special society pin.
Eradication of polio is Rotary’s # 1 priority.
- Polio remains a crippling and potentially fatal disease, most often striking children under the age of 5.
- There is no cure for polio; immunization is the only prevention.
We are ‘“This close!”, but Rotary’s work must continue.
- RI has raised approximately 10% of the eradication costs since 1985.
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has challenged RI to raise $50M per year for polio, with a match of $100M, totaling $150M.
- After the last case of paralysis, 450,000 children worldwide must be immunized annually for an additional three years, to assure total eradication of the polio virus.
- In 2020-2021 there was one reported case of wild polio virus in Pakistan, and only 4 cases in Afghanistan! The last case in Pakistan was January 27, 2021. There have been no cases in Pakistan since January 2021, so it’s been over one year since the last case! We are almost there!
District 6420
- During 2020-2021, clubs were encouraged to contribute $50/member for polio eradication through its members and community awareness programs.
- The district PolioPlus committee will continue offer speakers and progress updates and continue to encourage ongoing club fundraisers and community awareness events.
- If you currently contribute over $100 / year to the foundation, consider designating $100 or more of that amount to PolioPlus, thus fulfilling a PolioPlus Society Pledge. This will also help fulfill the EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) goal for your club. Click here for the PolioPlus Society Pledge form.
- Donations may be made through club treasurers, or directly to the Rotary International website. Be sure to use your “My Rotary” page to ensure proper crediting to your Paul Harris account.
Questions to Paul Stromborg for assistance.