In the past 12 months, the Club and its’ members donated over $10,000 to local schools, area charities and individuals in need, as well as those affected by human and natural disaster around the country and across the world.  Club members gave over 1,500 hours of their time to local groups and held fundraising activities to help provide for those in need and support worthy causes.

The Club held numerous fundraisers throughout the year, including our Annual Spaghetti Supper, five cookouts, the Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfasts during Walnut Days, conducted a raffle of two grills (thanks again to the Ace Retail Support Center in Princeton), and, for the first time ever, hosted a Chili Supper, Dessert Auction and Music Bingo Night at The Rock. 

All of the year’s fundraisers raised money to fund the Club’s wide-ranging charitable contributions including financial support of FallFest 2024, payment of milk contracts for students at Bureau Valley Elementary Schools in Walnut and Wyanet, the Summer Food Program (in cooperation with the Food Pantry and supplemented by the direct sponsorship of 11 children by individual members), Halloween treats for the nursing home, as well as snacks and placemats, replacement of flags at the Walnut Veterans’ Memorial on Main Street, books donated to the Walnut Public Library on behalf of Club guest speakers, Holiday Food Baskets and CG Health Foundation, school supplies for BV students, gifts, hats, gloves, scarves and socks, as well as toiletries for Giving Tree recipients, free replacement flags in exchange for old flags to Walnut citizens, financial support for children’s activities during Walnut Days 2024, funds for the BV After-Prom event, a financial contribution to Freedom House in Princeton, provided funds to build a school in the Dominican Republic in conjunction with the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club, provided much-needed money to the BV Buddy Bag program which provides meals for youth in need during the school year, as well as support to Shelter Box, which offers food, water and housing for a family of four in times of disaster.
The Club, challenged by the District Governor, donated over 1550 pounds of food and toiletry items to needy programs and individuals, well-surpassing the goal of 20 pounds/member.
Rotarians volunteered their time by delivering food during the summer months (in conjunction with the Summer Food Program), helped collect, organize and deliver Giving Tree gifts, Christmas stockings and Holiday Food Baskets, held monthly craft time at the nursing home apartments, sent holiday cards to residents and staff at the nursing home, and gathered individual donations of clothing and funds to help a family who lost their home to a tragic fire.
Walnut Rotary hosted two blood drives, and, through the generosity of local citizens, helped the American Red Cross serve a critical need in our region.  At least one 2025 American Red Cross/Walnut Rotary Blood Drive is scheduled for June 25, 2025, at the Community Building.
In an effort to recognize the sacrifices of those who have served our country, the Club hosted its’ Annual Veterans Appreciation Luncheon in November.  To thank area farmers for their hard work in feeding America, the Club hosted an Ag Appreciation Breakfast in March.  To entertain the young ones, Rotarians held its Annual Kite Festival in June, giving each attending child a free kite and sweet treat.
Walnut Rotarians supported and participated in Rotary International End Polio Now activities, both locally and internationally, during October, helping to bring us all closer to a polio-free world.
Committed to participate in efforts to improve our community, the Club received a grant to construct an outhouse at the Ross Preserve; the project should be complete by spring, weather permitting.
The Club’s two youth-directed Interact Clubs were also busy this year.  The BVJHS Interact Club provided decorations for the Veterans’ Luncheon, raised money to help a former BVHS student meet medical expenses, wrote Valentine Day cards and provided treats to BVJHS staff and Holiday Cards to BVJHS/E teachers, and provided cards for messages to be written to BVJHS teachers by out-going eighth grade students.  The Club continues to collect food waste each day at all lunch periods, which goes to provide food for the worm farm located on the BV Manlius campus. 
The BVHS Interact Club held a “Purple Pinkie” fundraiser and raised $402 to assist in Rotary’s international End Polio Now campaign, oversaw an Easter Egg Hunt which included Easter Bunny photos/appearance on March 24, celebrated another year of the Senior Brick Wall project and continued to maintain the pollinator garden on the BVHS campus started by the Club.
From our oldest Rotarian at 88 to our youngest Interact member at 12 years of age, from the simplicity of a holiday card to a local nursing home resident to the donation of hundreds of dollars to provide survival necessities to a family in war-torn Ukraine or a safe school for children in the Dominican Republic, the efforts of Walnut Rotary run the gamut of time, effort and expense.   None of the efforts, small or large, however, would be possible without the consistent and ongoing support of this community.  This Holiday Season, Walnut Rotarians want to thank our remarkable community and encourage everyone to continue to reach out and support others to the extent each is able.  There can be no greater gift in times such as these than “Service Above Self”.