The Ottawa Noon Rotary and Ottawa Sunrise Rotary Clubs partnered with the Ottawa Fire Department to purchase an inflatable Fire Education House. The purpose of the 14’X 24’X12’ three room house is to educate the public on fire safety.
It is designed to be an interactive tool that will captivate kids of all ages with a fun learning experience. Captain Kevin Theis, Public Education Officer, gave Rotarians a tour and pointed out the banners of information inside the house plus the logo and station name on the outside. The donation from the Ottawa Rotary Clubs was matched by Rotary District 6420 to make this community grant possible. The Fire Education House will be transported to schools in the area and be used outside for various community events to help all citizens become more aware of safety issues in the home and how to deal with them.
Left to Right:
Gentry Nordstrom, Noon Rotary President Blake Baker, Captain Kevin Theis, Retired Chief Rick Scott, Chief Brian Bressner, Sunrise Rotary President Gene Anderson