Rotarian Bob Presman gave a program on why we need to keep Polio + as our #1 Priority. This Rotary program was started in the mid 80's with over 160 countries with polio cases.
We are 99.9% complete with only two countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan, which still have polio cases. The political problems in those two countries have prevented volunteers from administering the polio vaccine to the children in those countries.
There is hope for the future because the political and religious leaders of those two countries have started letting volunteers into the countries to vaccinate the children. That's why we need to keep funding Polio + so polio can be eliminated from the face of the earth. Keep those donations coming.
After Bob's presentation, two tennis balls that were used in the Australian Open, and were autographed by Past RI President Jennifer Jones, were auctioned off. Bob Presman won the first tennis ball. There wasn't much of a challenge because he is a tennis player and did a great presentation. However, the second auction was much livelier between John Mecklenburg in Memorial Hall and Past President and Past District Governor Kent Mallquist from Texas via zoom. John eventually prevailed.