Recently, our Rotary decided to create a Birthday Book Club. We partnered with the local elementary school and did a raffle to raise money to purchase 160 books. A local business donated a Blackstone Griddle that we raffled off, tickets were $1 each or 6/$5 for a chance to win.
All the money raised was going into our Book Club with the desired outcome to be that we can give every kindergartner a new book on their birthday. We raised just over $700!! Our Rotary Members and community were so supportive of our initiative which helped us surpass our goal of $500.
We were able to proudly present 160 books to the principle at our local elementary school. With the money leftover, we are planning to also buy books for all of the 1st graders, too. Its amazing what our little Rochelle Rotary club can do for our community!