We do great things in Rotary, and the more we tell our members and the public about our accomplishments, the more impact we will be able to have.  That’s why it’s so important for Public Image, Membership and The Rotary Foundation to work together in all we do, and why our Public Image efforts are integral in all we do in Rotary.
That’s why our Zones 25B & 29 Public Image Team is excited to announce we are bringing back our monthly Public Image Webinar series! 
We’ve heard over the course of the fall that you wanted this content, and we listened!  These webinars will give any Rotary leaders tips, tricks, and ideas you can implement to enhance your image within your club and within your community!  Each webinar will have several components: examples of how PI/Membership/TRF work together to increase our impact, best practices that your colleagues in other districts are implementing significantly, a deep dive into a particular topic that you will find interesting, and time for Q&A and other idea sharing.
You don’t have to be your district’s Public Image Team Leader to attend…these are open to anyone in Zone/District/Club leadership, so please pass along the details to anyone you think would benefit from hearing about how we can enhance our public image (all of our members could benefit!).  We’re excited, and hopefully you are too!
Questions?  Email us at r36pubimage@gmail.com
Check out our Regional Rotary Public Image Challenge and Resource Library for more great information!