In support of Rotary’s “Operation Pollination,” Rotarians took to the garden located at Princeton Public Library on October26th. Plants were trimmed back and weeds were removed, and everything was done to prepare the pollinator garden for the upcoming winter.
Joining the effort were Rotarians Reka Albrecht, Beth Baker, Tom Kammerer, Laura Kann, Pam Pratt Marsh, Eric May, Joe Park, Pat Schou, and Dennis Taylor. Others on-site were Barb Dahlbach, Gay Kyle, Annie Nichols, Greg Schaill, Ellen Starr, and Brian Taylor. Special thanks to Taylor’s Way for their help with removing the rose bushes.
The pollinator garden at Princeton Public Library was established 10 years ago and has continued to provide pollen, nectar, and shelter for insects. The garden is also the subject of learning and educational talks about native plants and pollinators.