Five Rotary Clubs in the Sauk Valley area—Dixon, Morrison, Rock Falls, Sterling Noon, and Twin Cities Sunrise—are hosting the 9th Annual End Polio Now Walk at Centennial Park, Rock Falls, IL, on Saturday, October 12. Free registration begins at 8:15 a.m. at Larson Shelter (first shelter on the right), with the walk starting after 9:00 a.m. following a brief update on polio eradication and a group photo.
The route follows the Hennepin Canal to the Rock River, over the river to the Gazebo, and back to Larson Shelter, with snacks and water available. Coffee and energy bars will be provided before the walk. End Polio Now T-shirts are available for a $25 donation while supplies last. Rotarians can donate via check to the Rotary Foundation, noting their club and Rotary ID. All Rotarians in District 6420 are welcome to join. The event will proceed rain or shine unless there’s lightning, in which case it will be canceled for safety.