A chartering ceremony was held March 27th at LaSalle-Peru High School for the new Interact service club. Interact is the high school version of Rotary.
Interact at L-P is sponsored by the Illinois Valley Sunrise Rotary Club. The ceremony featured the introduction of the 15 new members, along presentations from the 1st Interact President Ella Kamkee and 1st Vice President Sheyla Castillo. The audience also heard presentations from District 6420 Governor Dave Emerick, District 6420 Interact Chair Scott Shore, Illinois Valley Sunrise Rotary President J. Burt, L-P Superintendent (and IV Sunrise Rotarian) Steve Wrobleski, and Faculty Advisor Julie Jenkins.
A large contingent of the Mendota High School interact Club came out to support the new L-P Interact, along with Illinois Valley Sunrise Rotary members, in addition to family, friends, and well-wishers. The common theme among the presenters was excitement that the Rotary concept of ‘Service Above Self’ was being shared and adopted institutionally at ages much lower than when normal Rotary membership could begin.