For clubs who were awarded District Grant funding for the current Rotary year, the 2024-25 District Grant Final Report is available to download on the Rotary District 6420 website (https://rotary6420. org/) under Foundation -- > About Grants. This required report is not officially due until May 1, 2025, but some clubs have already completed this year's project. If that's the case for your club, you are encouraged to submit the report while it's fresh in your mind...and doesn't become an added task while working on next year's grant request. You'll thank yourself later!
It's not too early to be thinking about an impactful project for next year. The 2025-26 District Grant Application DRAFT is linked on the district website for reference purposes only. We don't have a definitive maximum request amount yet, but it's expected that each club will be able to apply for about the same amount as this year - or at least $1,000 in matching funds. It’s simply available for clubs to reference it.
District Foundation Grant Training session options (1 hour via zoom) have been set for January 18 at 9am, February 15 at 9am, March 19 at 6pm. Registration is open via the District website. Keep in mind all 2025-26 Club Presidents and Grant/Foundation Chairs must meet this requirement.