As I was reading Past District Governor Dave Emerick’s “Farwell” message, several thoughts came to me.  First, what a great leader Governor Dave was for our District.  Most recently, we hear of the tremendous response 6420 Rotarians gave to his club challenge to donate food to local pantries.  Second, during Dave’s Governor year, we saw a renewed energy and interest in our youth services programs, RYLA and Rotary Youth Exchange.
Third, as Dave noted, there were some extraordinary club service projects by clubs from all sections of the District.  I am definitely inspired and counseled by watching Dave and his leadership team getting the job done in doing good in the neighborhood.
My year as Governor has begun.  In fact, I have already completed several official Governor Club Visits, and more club visits are being scheduled.  At the Governor Installation event on June 30, I shared what my club challenge will be for 2024-2025.  As you are probably aware, Rotary International has added a seventh “Focus” to the six already in place.  That new focus is the environment.  I am asking each willing club to create a pollinator plot of at least 25 square feet (goals are always minimums, never maximums), or enlarge an existing pollinator garden by that much.  To support clubs this effort, the District has created a new permanent committee, Environmental Services, chaired by PDG Bobbi Burke (a certified Master Gardener), the purpose of which will be to provide advice and assistance to clubs as they work on this challenge.  After 2024-2025, the Environmental Services Committee will continue to advocate for this RI focus.
Also, the District is going to make available to clubs who so request, the services of a new “Club Vitality Taskforce.”  The Taskforce, headed by Matt Skelly, will consult with club leaders, using the RI Club Health Check and Visioning tools to tailor strategies to help energize and revitalize club operations.
Hopefully, you saw the email from me in July with the latest revision of the District Strategic Plan.  Please note in the cover letter the important revisions that were made in this important document. 
The District Conference will be in the fall, November 8-9 at the Embassy Suites hotel in Rockford.  The Friday evening banquet will be our annual District Foundation Dinner. Foundation Chair, Laura Kann, and her committee are planning a very special event.  The Saturday activities for the Conference will have a Rotary Youth Exchange theme.
I am very honored to be the Governor of District 6420.  We are not the largest district in RI with membership and rather compact geographically, but we are collectively excellent in how we “do Rotary.”  I am committed to facilitating a continuation of and enhancing that success.