It’s hard to believe that the Rotary year is more than half over!  Kudos to the clubs that have started or enlarged pollinator plots in their communities.  I’m very gratified with the response we have had to this initiative.  Toward the end of the year, in May and June, I will be asking clubs to send me the approximate square footage of their plots so that we can tabulate a District 6420 total
As you have probably heard, we now have a District Governor Nominee Designate, Dr. Kris Tumilowicz, of the Loves Park Club.  There is more about “Dr. T.” elsewhere in this Actuator.  We all thank Kris for stepping up to be Governor for the 2027-2028 Rotary year.  We look forward to his leadership!
Please be aware that Rotary International, on January 22, issued a statement in response to the U.S. Administration indicating that this country will be withdrawing from the World Health Organization.  The text of the brief statement can be found on the RI Website on the End Polio Now page.  The concluding paragraph of the statement reads, “We are committed to working with all Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners to fulfill the promise of a polio-free world. Together, we have ended smallpox, and together, we can ensure that polio becomes the second human disease to be eradicated from the planet.”
Club President-Elects, President Nominees, Club Secretaries and District Assistant Governors, the time is now to register for the upcoming PETS, February 28-March 2(MIDWESTPETS.ORG).  DGE Melissa McCormick, and her cadre of DGEs from five other districts, are working hard to plan a great experience for all participants!