SEASONS GREETINGS! Yes, the Holiday Season is upon us. The days are shorter but our commitment to service as Rotarians is not dimmed! Thanks for all you do in your communities. Thanksgiving leftovers have been consumed and we are pondering our holiday gifts list. Some of us (well, not me, actually) are entertaining early thoughts of New Year’s resolutions.
Join me in adding the following considerations.
--As club presidents and board members (thank you for serving!), your Rotary year is almost half over. Prior to December 31, clubs need to remove deceased and resigned members from the RI and ClubRunner data bases. Also, the New Year is a good time for clubs to review their RI goals and tweak as needed or appropriate.
--The President-Elect Training Seminar is coming up on February 28-March 2 in Itasca. Clubs who have yet to identify a president-elect need to do so ASAP. I know, that is often easier said than done, but a club cannot be fully chartered by RI without a president. Remember, the registration cost of a club’s president-elect is part of District dues, so that cost has already been covered for the upcoming PETS.
--As of this writing, there are 14 Rotarians from District 6420 registered for the International Conference in Calgary, Canada, June 20-25. That’s a pretty good number for this early in the process. The registration price increases from $525 to $625 on December 15, so it will pay to beat than deadline! Also, the hotels with conference rates are filling up, some already have, so after you register, be sure to book a hotel from the link on the registration site. You may need to be on a waiting list. If you have never attended an international conference, it is definitely a bucket list item for every Rotarian!
I wish to thank the over 100 attendees, speakers and RYE youth that participated in the recent District Conference at the Embassy Suites in Rockford, November 8-9. The Friday Foundation Dinner and the Saturday Rotary Youth Exchange celebration were both great successes.