District Designated Funds are those funds received from The Rotary Foundation back to the district to use for District and Global Grants as well as contributions to the PolioPlus fund and other approved Rotary Foundation funds.
The following is an update as to how our district used some of those funds in Rotary year 2021/22.
We contributed $50,000 in DDF to the Disaster Response Fund to assist with Ukraine efforts. We also contributed $16,058 to the PolioPlus fund.
$40,589 was used to fund the District Grants.
We contributed $5,000 to the Wasambo Water System Project in Malawi.
We also contributed $5,000 to the Hepatitis Eradication Project in Nigeria.
We contributed $2,500 to a humanitarian project in Argentina.
$5,000 was contributed to a water distribution project in Guatemala.
We are also the primary international partner in a mosquito eradication project in Culebra, Puerto Rico, and committed $75,000 to this project.
It is wonderful to be part of an organization where we get to have input into funding projects that have an impact in our own communities and around the world.
If you have any questions or want further information about any of these projects, please contact DRFC Kathy Kwiat-Hess ( kathykwiathess@gmail.com ), DG Laura Kann (LKK1@comcast.net ), or Global Grants Chair Beth Thacker ( mbeth.thacker@nm.com ).