The recently completed 2024-2025 District Conference was a great success. Over 100 attended, including club members, speakers and Rotary Youth Exchange students, parents and exhibitors. Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick, sent PDG Bill Pritchard from District 6250 as her President’s Representative. The Friday Foundation Dinner speaker, hosted by Foundation Chair, Laura Kann, was Andrew Cary from the Foundation staff in Evanston.

Saturday theme was a celebration of Rotary Youth Exchange. In addition to an evening keynote by Bill Prichard, a prominent RYE presenter, Pauline Perreault, reviewed the fundamentals of RYE operations and opportunities. District RYE Program Chair, Megan Skelly, shared the District’s commitment to the program. Former Exchange Parent, Hector Lareau, led a “Point of View” panel discussion on RYE experiences. A parade of Past and future District Governors entered the banquet Saturday night escorted by Rotary Youth Exchange students bearing national flags. The conclusion of the program on Saturday included a presentation of “Lifetime RYE Service Awards” to 6420 Rotarians, PDG Tom Brooks and Past Club President Dave Smith for their decades long service to the District’s RYE program. The two-day silent auction in support of EndPolioNow raised nearly $6,000, which will be matched by the Gates Foundation ($2-1) for a total support of Polio eradication of $18,000!